Tuesday, February 23, 2010

St Margs Campfire Wohooo! (20/3)

Coming up next month is the first guide event of the year. Details are as follows:

Date: 20th March 2010 (Saturday)
Venue: St Margaret's School
Time: 6.30pm - 9.30pm
Attire: Full Scout Uniform

This is a perfect chance to socialize with girls out of boring RI life. and campfires are for cool people. If you want to go, call me or give me a text message ok? I really wish the whole patrol would go. :D

Posted by cwh130395 at 10:06 PM

Den Orientation (24/2)

Hi all,

Hope you've had a good rest after overnight.

There will be activity tomorrow, the 24th of February. Details are as follows:

Date: Wednesday (24/2/2010)
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire: PE Attire
Things to bring: Basha Building materials (PLs)

Posted by cwh130395 at 8:20 PM

Sunday, February 21, 2010

22/2 Founder's Day

As most of you should know by now, tomorrow 22 Feb is founder's day. Held in commemoration of the birth of Baden Powell, all scouts world wide celebrate this special occasion.

As such, we will be having a ceremony in the morning for all scouts. Please meet under the clock tower by 6.45am in the morning tomorrow. Do note that attendance will be taken. Also note that the attire is full scout uniform with the white scarf.

All of you who have not received your white scarf, please collect it from me at the clock tower tomorrow.

There will be no activity tomorrow in commemoration of the Founder's Day.

All of you owe Alvin money, so please pay up. Here's what you owe:
-$3.50 for name tags (all Sec 1s and 2s)
-$3 for the 100 year anniversary white scarf (everyone)

Please bring the money tomorrow and pass it to me at the clock tower.

Posted by cwh130395 at 4:40 PM

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Inspection layout

Hey guys,

Thanks to Roy, we have a inspection layout, drawn out in manga drawing skills. :D

Refer to this inspection layout for tomorrow's inspection. Sec 1s, please remember this layout. It will be the model inspection layout for all future camps.

For inspection, please strictly follow this order of laying out your items. Inspection is all about standard arrangement. We need to display our items in the same, orderly manner. Tomorrow, if you are done faster than the others, do spend the time to help them. It is the effort of the whole Scout Unit.

Your PL.

Posted by cwh130395 at 7:51 PM

Overnight Camp

Hey Guys,

It will be the overnight camp tomorrow. For the Sec 1s, this is our Hawk blog. I will be posting details of camps and activities here. Check this blog regularly for more information. Here's the details for overnight camp:

Time: 19-20 Feb (Friday to Saturday)
Report: 1530
Reporting Attire: Full Scout Uniform except Sec 1s

The den will be opened from 7am to 7.25am for all of you to place your camping bags inside. Remember, no trolley bags and hand-carry bags are allowed (except scout uniform and shoe bag). All of you are to try to pack everything into a proper hiking bag. You should try to invest in a proper hiking bag since you will be needed it for the next few years.

Sec 3s are to report early to build the flagstaff.

Here's the pack list:

-Full Scout Uniform (+beret, scarf, black shoes, scout socks, woggle)
-2 sets of PE
-Sufficient Underwear (1 or 2)
-Running shoes
-1 or 2 pairs of socks
-Toiletries (shampoo and bathing foam)
-Writing materials (paper and pen) in a file (box file?)
-Multi-purpose knife
-Warm clothes (sleeping)
-Plastic bags (around 3 extra)

-1 pair of slippers
-Prickly heat powder
-Spare batteries (1 set is enough)

* Take note. No electronic devices are allowed except your handphones. No books, cards or board games and etc are to be brought to the camp.

Sec 1s, please sew on your district badge on the right front pocket of your scout shirt. Try to sew it on, if you iron, it tends to come off over time. Remember to write your name on the white portion of your scarf. It is so that you get identify which scarf is yours because it might be mixed up during the investiture.

There will be inspection tomorrow. Inspection is when you are supposed to lay out all the stuff you have brought for the in charge to check. I will be uploading the inspection layout soon. Please come back to check, especially the Sec 1s. Remember to waterproof all your stuff by wrapping them in plastic bags. Alternatively, you can just wrap all your belongings in a huge garbage bag and pack it inside your camping bag.

Parents' Session

Time: Day 2 (1500-1600)
Purpose: Introduce Parents to 01
Venue: Parents', please gather at the Gym Hall Atrium

Have a good rest tonight and see you all tomorrow! :D

Your PL.

Posted by cwh130395 at 6:57 PM

Act on 17/2

Hi everyone,

Hope that you are enjoying the Chinese New Year celebrations!

There will be activity this Wednesday. The details are as follows:

Date: Wednesday (17/2/2010)
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire: PE Attire
Things to bring: Writing materials, scout handbook (Year 1s)

Posted by cwh130395 at 6:56 PM

Act on 10/2

There will be activity this Wednesday, (10/2/10).

Date: 10 Feb 2010
Reporting venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Time: 3.30 - 6.30
Things to bring: Full Scout Uniform (incl beret), 1 pair of extra socks (sec3s only), change of clothes (PLs only)

There is muster parade, so do change into your uniform and report on time. We will be welcoming our new sec1s tomorrow, so bring along all your enthusiasm and have fun!

Posted by cwh130395 at 6:55 PM

Activity on 8/2

Hello all,

There will be activity on Monday, 8th February 2010. The details are as follows:

Batch Pioneering
Date: Monday (8/2/2010)
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire:
PE Attire
Things to bring: Water bottle, Pioneering Design (Sec 3s)

Our new year one scouts will also be dropping by during this activity, so do give them a warm welcome.


Posted by cwh130395 at 6:51 PM

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Flagstaff for dummies

Hi all,

Hope you all enjoyed your break on Monday.

There will be activity on this Wednesday (3rd February). The details are as follows:

Flagstaff for dummies
Date: Wednesday (3/2/10)
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire:
PE Attire
Things to bring: Water bottle

Sec 3s, please remember to send your structure design to Anurak by Wednesday.


On behalf of GC'10

Posted by cwh130395 at 8:44 PM