Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Patrol Meeting (27/1)

This Wednesday's activity will be Patrol Meeting.

Date: Wednesday, 27th January 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire:
PE Attire
Things to bring: Water bottle,
Scout Notes, Scarf

Ok Guys. Tomorrow will be patrol meeting. There will BE NO PT, if that comforts you.
We need to settle a couple of matters tomorrow, and we need to get them done fast. If I get to cooperate and complete whatever I need to in time, then the next patrol meeting would probably be a inter-patrol soccer match. :D

See ya tmr. Hope tomorrow everything will go on schedule.

Posted by cwh130395 at 7:03 PM

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Hey guys, somehow, I don't know how, our blog got a little screwed.

I am now looking for a new skin cause this skin has quite limited space. In the mean time, for the desired effect, please

Alright, give your PL some time. He's getting a little irritated by this thing. Zzz.

Posted by cwh130395 at 9:41 PM

OMG OMG OMG 02 Campfire :D

Yeah Act! XD

Date: 6 February 2010 (Saturday)

Venue: Raffles Institution (Secondary)
Theme: Ah Beng Millionaire

As 02 is our brother scout group, it is compulsory (for both SU and VU) to attend. PLs, please compile a list of members who cannot go and submit to me before 27/1 (Next Wednesday). Note that only valid reasons will be accepted. Do note that the Sec3s will be having their First Aid Course before this.

Campfires rox, Just like us. :D

Posted by cwh130395 at 8:59 PM

Act on Mon (25/1)

There will be activity this Monday 25th Jan. The details are as follows:

Footdrill session
Date: Monday, 25th January 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire: PE Attire
Things to bring: Water bottle, Topo maps (if your GTC patrol hasn't returned)

Just a reminder, the first class hike briefing will be held tomorrow after activity. Candidates, please remember to select your companions by then.

Posted by cwh130395 at 8:58 PM

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hawk Hoodie Draft 2

Here's our draft 2 hoodie. This time with a new Hawk font and colour and something at the back! Yeah. Looks so coooooool. :D

Lots and lots of comments please. :D

Posted by cwh130395 at 10:43 PM

Hawk Hoodie. :D

Yeap. Also for the 1st time in a long time in the time since the time 01 started, we are going to have a patrol HOODIE. XD

No one has ever done that. But we are going to. :D
Here's design no. 1

Comment please.

*Designed by world reknowned APL Darren*

Posted by cwh130395 at 9:49 PM

Hawk Shirt No. 2

Hey, if you look closely, our previous hawk T-shirt had a chicken in the front. We imba-ly changed it to a heart. :D

Posted by cwh130395 at 9:45 PM

Hawk Shirt

For the 1st time in a very very very very long time, we are going to make a Hawk shirt that we all wear during act. Then we will look damn cool. :D

For the cost of the shirt, I am still unsure. The design of the shirt is still to be confirmed. Just take a look at this, and see how we can improve it. Tell Darren (preferably) or me your comments during next act or you can leave it on the tagboard or best, sms us.

Hope you like what Darren came up with. *Clap and Cheer*
Nice design Darren, our imba APL! :D

Posted by cwh130395 at 9:19 PM

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

*Under Construction* Song for Blog

Guys, I am currently trying to work on what songs we will have as the background song for our blog. Please tell me the title of the songs you like. Leave these titles in the tagboard.

I will get it up soon.

*Under Construction*

Posted by cwh130395 at 10:35 PM

Act on 20th Jan

Skills Upgrade

Date: Wednesday, 20th January 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire:
PE Attire

Darren and Daniel, please remember to bring your signed letters for me to check.
See ya tmr! :D

Posted by cwh130395 at 7:46 PM

Group Forum

Hey guys, for those who have yet to join the 01 Forum, please kindly do so asap. You can discuss about almost everything in the forum. It will be a great way for you to communicate with your batch and the whole unit.

Board URL: http://01raffles.50.forumer.com

Hope to see you all logging in frequently. :D

Posted by cwh130395 at 7:41 PM

Tag Board

Cool. Somehow the computer idiot got this imba tag board up in no time. Yippee!

Now you all can enjoy talking cock here! :D

*Just remember, no explicit content or random spamming.

Posted by cwh130395 at 12:46 AM

Patrol Cupboard

Hey people. As you know, we need to decorate our patrol cupboards as soon as possible. I was looking for ideas of something that could represent our patrol.

Anyone has any suggestions to what we can have as part of our decoration? Come on, get your brain working. :D

Feel free to talk to me if you have any ideas in mind. All ideas are welcomed!

Posted by cwh130395 at 12:23 AM

New Skin

Hey people. I found this cool skin that looks very nice. This would be our so very awesome Hawk blog. If any of you find any other cool and hawky skin, do tell me. I will change it for you. :D

Posted by cwh130395 at 12:09 AM

Monday, January 18, 2010

New Blog

Hey Hawk 2010. This is your Patrol Leader Wen Hao.
Sorry for creating the blog so late. I am kinda fail at these kind of IT stuff.
Please don't blame me. I tried creating this blog ok?
Since I am quite fail at this blog, I will get professional help from people like my ownage sister who happens to have a blog for about 3 years. She knows practically everything and anything about it. :D
Alright, once the blog is complete, I will get all of you to refer to it.
Hope to get it up asap. *cross fingers*

Posted by cwh130395 at 11:36 PM