Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Night Hike

Hey guys,

These are the details for the upcoming night hike:

Date: 6 Sep to 7 Sep

Where: Tiong Bahru MRT Station Exit A
When: 1800 hrs (have your dinner before reporting)
In: PE Attire + comfortable shoes for hiking

Where: East Coast Park
When: 0800 hrs

Recommended Packlist
  1. Wallet with Ezlink and sufficient cash
  2. 1.5L water bottle
  3. Poncho
  4. Groundsheet
  5. Torch
Optional Items
  1. Extra clothes
  2. Warm clothing
  3. Toiletries
* It would be good to bring some prickly heat powder and a change of clean clothes so that you don't smell that bad on your way home the day after. *

Patrol Packlist

  1. Camera
  2. First Aid Kit
  3. Permanent Market X2
  4. Topo Map
  5. Aluminium Foil
  6. Tent
  7. Compass
Other things all of you need to bring:

  1. FOOD and DRINKS xD (Yeah for partying at the end point)
  2. Poker Cards >1 (Also for partying )
  3. Sufficient money (patrol breakfast at Macs)
Hope that you will all be excited for Night Hike. I can guarantee that it would be a fun activity. We will have a lot of fun talking crap with each other. Everyone please bring some food so that we all can share. Do get a good night's rest the day before the activity because you will most likely not be sleeping at the end point that night. This activity would be one of our last few major activities, so treasure it. :D It would also be a taste of what hiking is like, and to prepare you for Group Training Camp at the end of the year. xD

Hope to see you guys there!

Posted by cwh130395 at 12:19 PM

Monday, June 28, 2010

Patrol funds

Now, we are settling the patrol funds for Annual camp this year. We owe many of our patrol members quite a fair bit of money. It totals up to $128.

The people who are paying are :

Wen Hao
Zhang Ren
Jia Ze
Han Yao

Hence, everyone needs to bring $14.20 for the Venture-planned activity this Wednesday. Let's get this settled as soon as possible. Please remember to bring the cash.

Posted by cwh130395 at 9:23 PM

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Patrol Log Allocations

Hey Hawk,

To make things easy for you, I have decided to change my way of displaying the allocation. By the way, it's 1000 words per plog to be submitted by 26th June. That's 6 days for 5 plogs. Like I always say (just take it that i did), " A plog a day keeps troubles away. " Yeah. :D

In addition, those plogs with a star beside need more emphasis and details. These are the important activities. Do take note.

All completed patrol logs are to be submitted to this email :

Do include name of activity and date.

Wen Hao

11/1 Know Your GC


22/2 Founder’s Day *
1/3 Challenge of the Venturez
2/6 Annual Camp Day 3 *

Jia Ze


17/2 World Scout Badge Testing / Overnight Briefing
19/2 Overnight Camp Day 1 *
17/4 Annual Show Prep 5
19/5 Annual Camp Prep 1


26/3 Raffles Cross Country


22/5 Open House *
7/4 Annual Show Prep 2

Han Yao

18/1 Know Your Patrol
1/6 Annual Camp Day 2
7/4 Annual Show Prep 2


8/3 SUTC Briefing / SUTC Prep 1

Work hard. Write hard. With your heart.
Remember, try not to crap things up. Anyone who doesn't hand their plogs up on time will get punished. Like very severely.

Posted by cwh130395 at 10:52 AM

Saturday, June 19, 2010

New Songs

After such a long time, I thought that maybe our songs need a change. I got some new songs. Hope you enjoy!

Posted by cwh130395 at 3:43 PM

Patrol Log

Hi guys,

Hawk's blog never died. It's just the PL. So, please don't listen to people who were once from our patrol but decided to join another even though he still thinks that the former one is better. O.o

Hawk won Annual Camp. Yeah! :D So, in order for us to continue going up up and to the top, we need to work even harder. 2 important components include firstly, the DONATION DRAW. *OMG*

You all gotta sell your donation draws like mad, and EARLY. We have rivals all over the school. It is always good to start as early as possible, and to tap on your friends' money first. Of course, then move on to your relatives, unless you know of anyone else in your family who's a scout.Donation Draw takes up a huge component in our patrol standings.

However, PATROL LOGS are even more important when we talk about patrol standings. Since you all want to be the first, then you got to work hard. For the information of the Sec 1s, patrol logs is when the patrol writes about all the different activities over the course of this year. It resembles something like a diary. For now, we are working on the patrol log for the 1st half of the year.

Here is the preliminary list of the different activities of the year:

4/1 Raffles Trail Prep 1

6/1 Raffles Trail Prep 2

7/1 Raffles Trail

11/1 Know Your GC

13/1 Batch Project Planning

18/1 Know Your Patrol

20/1 Skills Upgrade

25/1 Footdrill Session

27/1 Patrol Meeting

3/2 Flagstuff for Dummies

8/2 Batch Pioneering

10/2 Sec 1 Orientation

17/2 World Scout Badge Testing / Overnight Briefing

19/2 Overnight Camp

20/2 Overnight Camp

22/2 Founder’s Day

24/2 Den Orientation

1/3 Challenge of the Venturez

3/3 Job Week Briefing

8/3 SUTC Briefing / SUTC Prep 1

10/3 SUTC Prep 2

13/3 Job Week Day 1

14/3 Job Week Day 2

15/3 SUTC Day 1

16/3 SUTC Day 2

17/3 SUTC Day 3

24/3 Test Taking

26/3 Raffles Cross Country

31/3 Annual Show Briefing

5/4 Annual Show Prep 1

7/4 Annual Show Prep 2

12/4 Annual Show Prep 3

14/4 Annual Show Prep 4

17/4 Annual Show Prep 5

19/4 Annual Show Prep

21/4 Annual Show Prep 6

23/4 Annual Show Prep 7

24/4 01 Annual Show

17/5 Annual Camp Briefing

19/5 Annual Camp Prep 1

21/5 Open House Prep

22/5 Open House

There's 50 plogs to be written. :D

I will be allocating plogs to your all to be done. This time, all of you will be forced to do it. Look at your allocations and finish up the plog by 26th June. I expect around 1000 words per plog.

However, I want you all to include more of the actual event in the plog. I want to see you all talking about what actually happened during that day, and elaborate about it. It is suppose to be something factual. You can include your own thoughts and etc, but remember not to crap too much just to meet the word limit. If you seriously cannot make the word limit, simply leave it. Don't crap the whole plog out.

Have fun writing your plogs. :D

Posted by cwh130395 at 3:07 PM

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Packlist for AC

Yeah! It's Annual Camp soon. Here's the packlist.

Full Scout Uniform (red scarf)
PE >4
Undies >4
Sports shoes
Toothbrush and paste
Shampoo and soap
Writing Materials
Bottle >1.5L
Torch + batteries
Poncho + Groundsheet
Plastic + Ziploc (remember to waterproof)
Fork + Spoon
Mess tin
Wallet + Ez-link

Posted by cwh130395 at 10:51 PM

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

St Margs Campfire Wohooo! (20/3)

Coming up next month is the first guide event of the year. Details are as follows:

Date: 20th March 2010 (Saturday)
Venue: St Margaret's School
Time: 6.30pm - 9.30pm
Attire: Full Scout Uniform

This is a perfect chance to socialize with girls out of boring RI life. and campfires are for cool people. If you want to go, call me or give me a text message ok? I really wish the whole patrol would go. :D

Posted by cwh130395 at 10:06 PM

Den Orientation (24/2)

Hi all,

Hope you've had a good rest after overnight.

There will be activity tomorrow, the 24th of February. Details are as follows:

Date: Wednesday (24/2/2010)
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire: PE Attire
Things to bring: Basha Building materials (PLs)

Posted by cwh130395 at 8:20 PM

Sunday, February 21, 2010

22/2 Founder's Day

As most of you should know by now, tomorrow 22 Feb is founder's day. Held in commemoration of the birth of Baden Powell, all scouts world wide celebrate this special occasion.

As such, we will be having a ceremony in the morning for all scouts. Please meet under the clock tower by 6.45am in the morning tomorrow. Do note that attendance will be taken. Also note that the attire is full scout uniform with the white scarf.

All of you who have not received your white scarf, please collect it from me at the clock tower tomorrow.

There will be no activity tomorrow in commemoration of the Founder's Day.

All of you owe Alvin money, so please pay up. Here's what you owe:
-$3.50 for name tags (all Sec 1s and 2s)
-$3 for the 100 year anniversary white scarf (everyone)

Please bring the money tomorrow and pass it to me at the clock tower.

Posted by cwh130395 at 4:40 PM